I love the English Langauge, I really do!
I love grammar! I love writing!
My favorite Subject in School was English!
all my friends count on me in reviewing their papers and sometimes writing them!
I have this supervisor in Work who doesn't know ko3a min bo3a in English!
When I write something in English, he corrects me! o when he does, what he really really really does is just fragment mistakes all over!
I hate it!
walla 7afith la kelmtain in english oo bs m3aleq 3laihom!
oo lama ya36eni notes yabeni aktebhom yge6 li 7achi bilhawa oo ana asee'3a oo when I do! he corrects me!
what am I to do?!
I just type what he says! moshkela he corrects his own words! oo ilmoshkela ila3tham ena bs yabi y3adel bs yabi ysale7!
tafeh! mot5alef! jahel! sa5eeef! ema3a! raj3i! falsafchy! ykather 7achi!
3nda authorities ma yadi shysawi fehom!
bs bgait at7al6am! now barid baktib la ile yabi!
arahenkom ra7 y3adel!!!!!!! ;@
gurl 8a66a3te el rayal bel sab lool
bas he seemed he deserved it =P
ana ba3ad my fav subject in school was english, they call me till now (dictionary) =D
tadron ena radni oo 5alani a3adel more?!
bs i give up !!!! ;@@@@@
heheh shaklah kbeeer mo?
3adatan il kbar ohma illi 3indihum hal suwalif..
aw enna ga3id e7awil yathbit nafsah jidamich.. sha7a6a ya3ni!
AJE: min na7yat sha7a6a 7ada sha7a6a! abaih mu sij! t3arfen ile 3adi ayeeb la shai basic english,, lazim yetshe7a6 oo y3adlah oo sha7a6ta kelha halaqa! walla gomt aste7i adez letters besmi bsebta!
all the supervisors in this goddamn world suck, they're full of themselves, and they act all mighty and important..
so just ignore him :D
and I hate grammar, I kind of suck at it :P
Driffer: i LOOOOOOVE grammar and math! i was a nerd back in the day ;p oo yeah the ignoring part is already done! ;)
looooooool tha7ekoone sabateech :p
chan gelteela way7akaaa ya hathaa ;p
t3alai goli lah 3shani ;p! waaai ya kerhaaaaa !!! allah ysaberni 3laih ! ;(
LOOOOOOOOOL!! you reminded me of my prevouse boss.. bas maskeeen he used to call me coz he didnt know english..
now i work with english peopel so i am always corrected =p
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